Are your products vegan?


Is grime-be-gone the same as germs-be-gone

Yes! Same exact product, new name.

Can you ship products

If you live in an area that has SPUD online delivery access then they can be delivered right to your door. Contact us if you do not have access to this service.

Are small planet products safe on granite counter tops?

Yes, we use a gentle soap that works well to clean granite counter tops.

are small planet products safe around pets?

Absolutely! But please make sure your animal leaves the room if they don’t like the smell during cleaning. Muttley Crue Dog Grooming & Daycare have used our products exclusively for 10 years!

are small planet products refillable?

Yes!! We are happy to offer refills at Canary Goods, Sunnyside Market & Unleashed. Bring your empty spray bottle to those locations, you can also save some plastic by purchasing grime-be-gone concentrate.

are the bottles recyclable?

Yes, they are #2HDPE, so can be recycled in your blue bin if need be.